• SLAE32
    | Assignment 7 - Crypter

    Description of the assignment

    • Create a custom crypter like the one shown in the “crypters” video
    • Free to use any existing encryption schema
    • Can use any programmming language
  • SLAE32
    | Assignment 6 - Polymorph

    Description of the assignment

    • Take up at least 3 shellcodes from shell-Storm and create a polymorphic versions to beat the pattern matching
    • The polymorphic version cannot be larger than 150% of the existing shellcode
    • Bonus points for making it shorter in length than the original

    As follows the list of shellcodes that we are going to change into polymorphic ones:

    • downloadexec
    • chmod 0777 /etc/shadow
    • Add r00t user to /etc/passwd
  • SLAE32
    | Assignment 5 - Msfpayload

    Description of the assignment

    • Take up at least 3 shellcode samples created using Msfpayload for linux/x86
    • Use GDB/NDisasm/Libemu to dissect the functionality of the shellcode
    • Present your analysis

    We are going to analyse together the following shellcodes:

    • linux/x86/adduser
    • linux/x86/exec
    • linux/x86/chmod
  • SLAE32
    | Assignment 4 - Encoder

    Description of the assignment

    • Create a custom encoding scheme like the “Insertion Encoder” we showed you;
    • PoC with using execve-stack as the shellcode to encode with your schema and execute.
  • SLAE32
    | Assignment 3 - EggHunter

    Description of the assignment

    • Study about the EggHunter shellcode;
    • Create a working demo of the EggHunter;
    • Should be configurable for different payload.
  • SLAE32
    | Assignment 2 - Reverse Shell

    Description of the assignment

    • Create a Shell_Reverse_TCP Shellcode:
      • Reverse connects to configured IP and Port;
      • Execs Shell on sucessfull connection;
    • IP and Port should be easily configurable.
  • SLAE32
    | Assignment 1 - Bind Shell

    Description of the assignment

    • Create a Shell_Bind_TCP Shellcode:
      • Binds to a port;
      • Execs Shell on incoming connection;
    • Port should be easily configurable.